
Shot Composition

  Wednesday 15th June 2022 L/O: to understand the basic rules of shot composition. Rule of thirds Depth of field deep focus -  shallow focus -  Photographing people:

In - design

Wednesday 25th May 2022 L/O: to explore and understand how to use InDesign for magazine layouts.  I did the work but Miss Mac deleted it.  Wednesday 8th June 2022 L/O: to explore the concept of representation & stereotypes.  Representation - the media offers the audience an interpretation of the world. Stereotypical - a generalised representation of a person, place or thing. They are limited and often offensive or used for comedy.  Nanny - female, old,  Nurse - female,  Teenager - argumentative, loud, don't listen, rude Astronaut - male, rich, white Football player - male, strong, middle aged Opera fan - old person Teacher - female, smart Tattoo lover - male, strong, tall, black & white men, bald, muscly Stereotypes - are they reinforced or challenged?  How are people represented? Year 9 girls are being represented as loud, disruptive, obnoxious. New teacher is being represented as almost like an entertainer trying to make students enjoy learning.  How do people act?  What

Magazine cover design: masthead

Wednesday 4th May 2022 L/O: explore the use of Adobe illustrator to create a magazine masthead.  Magazine genre - fashion   - Most of them are all close ups except 2, 1 medium long shot and 1 mid shot.  - They all have a bald masthead.  - All of them will / have a barcode.  - All of them have the same idea of face expressions.  - All produce the same content.  Sub genre - sports / basketball  - The mastheads are all bald and in cool fonts / they all stand out and all of the letters are in capitals.  Title of my magazine - SLAM Wednesday 11th May 2022 L/O: explore the use of Adobe illustrator to create a magazine masthead. Wednesday 18th May 2022 L/O: to use Adobe illustrator to create an effective magazine masthead. 1. Sport / basketball 2. SLAM 3. All stand out / bold fonts and a lot of colour, all in capitals - I prefer the last one because i think it is more bald, and i like how i've done the white outline. 

Magazine front covers

Wednesday 27th April 2022 L/O: to identify the features on a magazine front cover; to explore genre codes & conventions.  Masthead - th e printed matter in a newspaper or periodical that gives the title and details of ownership, advertising rates, and subscription rates . The purpose of a masthead is that it  marks the site and page, and delivers identifying information to web users . Dateline -  a line at the head of a dispatch or newspaper article showing the date and place of writing. The purpose of a dateline is that is t ells the reader where we obtained the basic information for a story . Main image -  takes center stage and covers most of the front cover. The purpose of a main image is to  be of interest to the reader and draw attention to the magazine.  Cover lines - a  headline on the front cover of a magazine advertising a story or feature inside . The purpose of cover lines is to  identify the names of the contributors, not the topics of their articles . Main cover line

News day evaluation

 Wednesday 27th April 2022 L/O: to evaluate and review our News Day project. - Me and my group (Leah and Alessandro) worked on something about a cannabis raid in Bodmin which resulted in seizures of 1000 plants. We managed to get PC Pickings into help up with the details so then our report would me more accurate.  - The part i enjoyed most was editing the interviews because i got to listen to all of the funny parts of the interview.  - The part i least enjoyed was cutting out all of the bad parts / parts where we were laughing because it was hard to cut it out without cutting the talking out.  - The skills i learnt was how to green screen, edit the news reports and crop videos and photos on iMovie.   - In the news process i learnt how to use the camera / set the camera up, how to lay a news report out, what type of questions to ask and how to end it.  - If i were to do it again / differently i would make sure that the camera was fully charged because the camera died in the middle of in

What is News?

 Wednesday 2nd March 2022                                                            Young Reporter   L/O: to explore the concept and format of news.  What is the purpose of news? -  to keeps us informed of the changing events - to educate us - to spread awareness - to entertain people  - to make a profit - to influence / persuade Different types of news stories: - war - coronavirus  - climate change - world - business - politics - science - family & education  - entertainments & art - sport - weather - human interest - local Example of 'world' news.  Example of 'health' news.  Example of 'sport' news.  Example of 'war' news.  L/O: to explore the validity to news stories and their organs.  Fake news is false information used to shape your views, opinions or ideas. The information is ofter exaggerated heavily biased or simply not true.  5 examples of fake news:                   I think people write fake news to spread lies and get more money.  We