News day evaluation

 Wednesday 27th April 2022

L/O: to evaluate and review our News Day project.

- Me and my group (Leah and Alessandro) worked on something about a cannabis raid in Bodmin which resulted in seizures of 1000 plants. We managed to get PC Pickings into help up with the details so then our report would me more accurate. 

- The part i enjoyed most was editing the interviews because i got to listen to all of the funny parts of the interview. 

- The part i least enjoyed was cutting out all of the bad parts / parts where we were laughing because it was hard to cut it out without cutting the talking out. 

- The skills i learnt was how to green screen, edit the news reports and crop videos and photos on iMovie. 

 - In the news process i learnt how to use the camera / set the camera up, how to lay a news report out, what type of questions to ask and how to end it. 

- If i were to do it again / differently i would make sure that the camera was fully charged because the camera died in the middle of interviewing the police officer and the second camera didn't focus properly. It also made a lot more work for me because i had to edit it from where it cut off. 



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