Magazine cover design: masthead

Wednesday 4th May 2022

L/O: explore the use of Adobe illustrator to create a magazine masthead. 

Magazine genre - fashion 

- Most of them are all close ups except 2, 1 medium long shot and 1 mid shot. 
- They all have a bald masthead. 
- All of them will / have a barcode. 
- All of them have the same idea of face expressions. 
- All produce the same content. 

Sub genre - sports / basketball 

- The mastheads are all bald and in cool fonts / they all stand out and all of the letters are in capitals. 

Title of my magazine - SLAM

Wednesday 11th May 2022

L/O: explore the use of Adobe illustrator to create a magazine masthead.

Wednesday 18th May 2022

L/O: to use Adobe illustrator to create an effective magazine masthead.

1. Sport / basketball
3. All stand out / bold fonts and a lot of colour, all in capitals

- I prefer the last one because i think it is more bald, and i like how i've done the white outline. 


  1. Excellent Cody - love the design of your masthead. Maybe play around with colour some more


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