
xWednesday 3rd May 2023

L/O: to explore possible tasks and research similar products.

Coursework - Create a front cover and a double page spread article for a health and fitness magazine aimed at an audience primarily of 14 - 18 year olds. 

Wednesday 10th May 2023

L/O: to research codes and conventions of similar products.


What kind of articles do they include on the front page?

- All of them talk about calories, having a good diet, burning body fat and getting strong. 

What is on the front cover?
- One main image, main cover line about what might be inside the magazine, masthead, cover lines, bar code.

Is there a colour scheme?
- Yes, on all of the magazine covers shown above all of the mastheads are red and bold, the rest of the writing is then black, or both. 

Where is the masthead and what kind of font is used?
- The masthead is at the top of the magazine cover, clear to see, stands out. 

How many images are on the cover?
- One imagine on the cover. 

How many cover lines are used?
- Around 6 or more cover lines are used. 

What institutional information is included and where is it placed?
- The bar code, it's placed at the bottom either on the left or right of the cover.

How many different fonts are used on the cover and how do they vary? (size, style)
- They're around 2 to 3 different fonts used, the masthead is always big and bold and the cover lines are smaller but still stand out. 

How are puffs used? (looks like a sticker)
- To draw attention from the target audience. 

How are the double page spreads laid out?
- One main title, headings with paragraphs underneath and photos / images. 

How many images are used in the double page spreads?
- 5 to 7 images on the double page spread. 

How many different fonts are used on the double page spreads and how they vary? (size, style) 
- Lots of different fonts, one bold title, bold headings above each paragraph and image. 

How is the text organised in the double page spreads? 
- In paragraphs and no writing through the middle of the page. 

Wednesday 7th June 2023

L/O: to research how codes and conventions have been used in detail.

What house style is established by the use of font, colour, images and layout? 
- Bright colour palette, masthead is in the font serif whereas as you flick through the magazine / double page spreads it mixes with sans serif, it's very sophisticated, has the magazine title and date on the bottom of every page and doesn't look like a stereotypical women's health magazine cover.  

Production values (high mid or low)?
 - Mid because the pages aren't very tick and glossy like the front cover but has the name of the magazine on every page. 

What ideologies are represented? (the values and goals that are important to people / target audience)?
- To the target audience the goals they may want to achieve after looking at the magazine is to look younger, eat healthier and to achieve how they want to look. 

How is colour palette and typography used (choice of font style, size and colour etc)? 
- The choice of font is a mi between serif and sans serif and it quite big and bold, the colours mainly used are white, red and orange on the cover and varier throughout. 

How are the people or areas featured represented?
- Fit and healthy, very stereotypical for a women's image if introduced to millions of people

Who is the target audience and how does it appeal to them? 
- Females aged between 25 and 34, it appeals to them because of the line 'body politics and breaking rules' and the double page spreads explaining about health, fitness, weight loss nutrition and beauty news. 

How can u tell that the cover and double page spread come from the same brand? 
- U can tell they come from the same brand / magazine because it has the title / brand on the bottom of every page. 

What i will need on my fitness magazine cover:
- Masthead in bald capitals serif font in white
- One main image, long or mid shot
- Eye catching
- Date line
- Explanatory text
- Main cover line and cover lines
- Barcode
- Price
- Colour palette of two to three colours
- Puff
- Typography
- Good layout

What i will need on my fitness magazine double page spread:
- 5 or more original images
- Captions for the images
- Columns
- Drop capitals
- Original images of meals, explaining about each one
- Title of magazine somewhere on the two pages 
- Good layout

Wednesday 28th June 2023

L/O: to research our target audience to enable successful targeting. 

14 - 18 year old = target audience

Cover 1:
- Middle aged male
- Higher class
- High eduction 
- Business man
- 'CEO' stereotypically for males

Cover 2:
- Female
- 20 - 40 age range
- Cover lines mention women

Cover 3:
- 30 to 60 age range
- Male
- Cover lines aimed to males about women 
- Wealth, higher class

14 to 18
In education
Interests - fitness, cooking healthy food
Cares about how they look
Product would appeal to them if they want healthy food recipes, want to get fitter
They'd use social media to look at influencers
They would be confident in themselves
Looking good and healthy would be important to them
They'd be in the higher class
Well educated 
Is a student and still goes to school / college
They would love fashion
Would listen to a lot of music

Wednesday 12th July 2023

L/O: to explore and understand how to use InDesign for magazine layouts. 

Wednesday 6th September 2023

245 words. 

Wednesday 13th September 2023

L/O: to recap brief criteria and to explore how to create effective representations. 

Key areas to explore - images, representations and article. 

- My cover is going to follow the layout conventions of a front cover because its going to have a masthead that i make, a strap-line, cover price, barcode, edition number, one main original image, at least six cover lines and one cover line that links to my double page spread.

- My double page spread is going to follow the layout conventions of a double page spread because it'll have a headline, sub headings, use of columns, original images and it will feature approximately 300 words that link to one of the cover lines on the front page. 

- My genre of my magazine will be made clear over both pages because it'll have healthy images of meals on my double page spread with sub headings / captions and paragraphs to explain what is it and why it's good for you, it'll have a main image of a women in gym gear on the magazine cover. My masthead will also be based around fitness. 

Double page spread - It'll include healthy meals, original photos of my attempt making those meals, captions, explaining why it's good for you and how to make it, columns and things included in the answers above. 


- make meals at home, take pictures of them for double page spread 

- write out what i'm writing / explaining on my double page spread

- create masthead 

- make up cover lines

- make up stuff i need to include on my main cover 

Wednesday 27th September 2023

Cover lines: "Fitness is 30% exercise, 70% nutrition" , "Fitness is for everyone" ,  "Exercise means a strong mind" , "Instant energy" ,  "New meals for you" 

Wednesday 4th October 2023

Magazine cover so far:

Wednesday 11th October 2023

- Meals, recipes

 - Interviews 

- How to...

- Reviews

- Fact sheet

- Profile

Wednesday 1st November 2023

Article Writing

L/O: to create a convincing article for a teen health and fitness magazine using appropriate language, tone and representation. 

- Ends with a conclusion
- Often has a large image on the whole of one page
- Often has a large image with smaller images linked to it
- Often has a pull quote
- Often has a large coloured drop cap at the start 

Wednesday 8th November 2023
Wednesday 6th December 2023

1. On my double page spread it will have 4 images that i have taken. 
2. My double page spread will be based of healthy food / recipe ideas. 
3. My images will be of meals i cook and have labels on what it is.
4. It will have instructions of how to make / cook it.
5. Page numbers will be 25 and 26.
6. The font on my double page spread will be different than the cover. 
7. My magazine name will be on each page of my double page spread. 
8. My sub headings will be what each meal i cook and have an image of is called. 
9. My double page spread wont have any photos of people, just healthy meals and explanations on what      it is and how it's cooked / made. 

'These healthy meals will change your life!' = Standfirst 

- I am going to talk about the meals, what they help you with and how they help you with that, and how you make them. 

- Subheadings will be the name of the meals. 


    Good research into conventions but analysis is missing


    A good start - where is your masthead?
    I'd like to see more about how you're going to target teens.


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