Lights, camera, action

 Monday 1st November 2021

L/O: to apply narrative theory to our own ideas.

Todorov's narrative

 Equilibrium - one of the stages in the theory of narrative structure by Todorov. In this stage, it is explained about the condition that happens with a character. The condition where the main character having a normal life and still able to do the daily activities that the character usually does.

Disruption - something goes wrong.

Recognition of disruption - the change that occurs when new digital technologies and business models affect the value proposition of existing goods and services. 

Attempt to solve the problem.

New equilibrium - back to new normal.

Task 1 

Equilibrium - two girls who are getting followed run into a destroyed apartment and meet a single mum.

Disruption - stalker then leaves the two girls alone and starts stalking the single mum.

Recognition of disruption - people start to die due to the stalker

Attempt to solve disruption - kill the killer / stalker,

New equilibrium - burns killer alive.

Monday 29th November 2021

Setting and colour 

L/O: to explore the use of setting and colour in films.


An isolated house in a rural setting for a horror film is good because it will create suspension, it will also cause the audience to fear for the characters because they will have no help around them.

A big city for an action film is good because there are loads of locations for the characters to hide, good for climbing up the buildings / jump from them, good for car chases because there will be loads of different roots where they could go. 

A small seaside town for a romantic comedy is good because the characters could go for a walk along the beach, it is quiet with the back round noise of birds and waves / relaxing / soothing. 

A range of different countries for an action adventure film is good because it explains the adventure part, the audience wont get boring of one location / culture.

A large modern science laboratory for a science - fiction film is good because it would be in a science lab.


Blue and red for a new superhero costume is good because most people will know that the best superhero's wear that colour and they also stand out a lot. 

A black suit for a villain is good because it could show a violent person.

Bright colours for a comedy film is good because it might show that they are happy. 

Setting and colour - avengers endgame trailer

The action takes place in a few different locations, there was a field, city's, inside buildings, space, museum, harbour, church, fantasy landscape, forest, office, isolated house and another world.

I think the film is set in these places so that the audience wont get bored of one location, so there can be so many different things that can happen in the different places. 

The settings change gradually after every scene with different people.

The settings affects the characters and the way they behave by being calm in the field, scared in the evening. 

We could tell that the story was taking places in these locations by the back round / camera angles.

The same story couldn't of happened in a different place because it wouldn't of gave the same energy / excitement.

We could tell when the story was being set because of the colour of the sky / dark and light. 

I think that certain colours are used to create suspension, fear, relaxing.

A clue that the story might be set now is the clothes, colours and language.

I am legend looks like a action film because the man on the front cover has a gun in his bag. 

28 days later looks like a horror because the cover is all red with a character coloured in black.

Raiders of the lost ark looks like an an adventure film because thy have loads of hats on and looked like they were going hiking. 

Monday 13th December 2021

L/O: to explore different styles of photography.

The colour for a science fiction film i would use is green and white because the white would represent a futuristic chemical lab and the green would represent the things / substances found in a chemistry lab. 

The setting would be scientific lab for the scientists and the villain would be set in the middle of nowhere / isolated house / in the woods because it would cause more tension because if it got broken into nobody would know where it is / it would be secret. 

Ground level 


Star hands

Nature pattern

Looking up


Reflection - make the reflection more visible. I like that we used a puddle.

Nature pattern - focus the camera on the pattern more than the person. I like the idea we had. 

Star hands - make more of a star shape. We used a chair to show our hands more. 

Looking up - put the camera angle more upwards. Mason went into a tree. 

Ground level - make the camera straight. Good photo. 

Monday 10th January 2022

Sound & Film

L/O: to explore the sound and use in films.

1. scary infrasound. screaming, whispering, dogs howling, wind, lightening, thunder.
2. diegetic. shouting, heavy breathing, gun shots, vehicles. 
3. mix of disco and funk. shouting, dark scary plot. 
4. comedy music. laughing, running, talking, happy plot.

Diegetic - sounds you would hear if you were in the scene e.g. someone speaking, footsteps, music on a radio.

Non diegetic - sounds that only the audience can hear e.g. narration, internal dialogue, music.  

trailer - non diegetic and diegetic 

reproduction of everyday sounds for use in film making.
these reproduced sounds can be anything from the swishing of clothing and footsteps to squeaky doors and breaking glass. 
it helps to create a sense o reality within a scene. Without these crucial background noises, movies feel unnaturally quiet and uncomfortable. 

Sounds to create 
shouting, controller, door opening, door shutting, box down, blinds open, dialogue, dog barking, throwing dog on the floor, dog banging into cupboard, ball hitting the bag, expressional noises, outside noises, crutches, boy walking, door opening and shutting again, dog running, boy putting the dogs ball into his pocket. 

1. yes, there is music.
2. the music makes me feel dramatic.
3. when the scene changes.

Monday 7th February 2022

L/O: to experiment with foley and sound effects. 

1. food, candles, photos, guns...
2. hats, messy hair, dull clothes for the middle man, pirates...
3. serious face expressions...
4. quite bright and the candles bring a bit more light...
5. made the characters look quite powerful, guns in their hands to make them look a bit more scary...

Creative task

1. setting - lab, clean, dissection table.
2. props - microscopes, computers, high tech machinery.
3. costume - white lab coat.
4. facial expressions - surprised, interested, focus. 
5. lighting - bright lights.

Clip 1

Tv sounds, talking, tooth brush, toilet flush

you could make a clock sound by ticking ur tongue. 

you could make a jumping sound by dropping shoes on the floor.

Monday 28th February 2022

L/O: to explore the disaster movie genre.

Disaster movies

I'm picking Godzilla as my disaster movie. 

Godzilla is an enormous, destructive, prehistoric sea monster awakened and empowered by nuclear radiation. With the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the Lucky Dragon 5 incident still fresh in the Japanese consciousness, Godzilla was conceived as a metaphor for nuclear weapons

This makes Godzilla a disaster movie because it has might have an impending or ongoing disaster as it's subject and primary plot device. 

My disaster movies - jurassic world, bait and godzilla

Jurassic World:
A new theme park, built on the original site of Jurassic Park, creates a genetically modified hybrid dinosaur, the Indominus Rex, which escapes containment and goes on a killing spree. 
A free tsunami traps shoppers at a coastal Australian supermarket inside the building - along with 12 - foot great white sharks. 

The world is beset by the appearance of monstrous creatures, but one of them may be the only one who can save humanity. 

1. In most disaster movies the main character is a male. 
2. None of my chosen movies have the main character try and save a family member.
3. Godzilla is an alien attack disaster.
3. Owen grady survives the dinosaur attack.

Creative Task
1. My character - male - alex - 
2. Disaster - Russia bombs wheres alex lives.
3. Main characters - Alex, Kelly, Dave.
4. Dave dies.
5. Alex fights people from Russia while Kelly runs away. 
6. Alex kills everyone and runs to find kelly. 
7. Alex and Kelly find each other and fall in love. 

Monday 28th March 2022

L/O: to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie. 

Narrative theory


equilibrium - everything is normal and alex, kelly and dave are chilling in Ukraine. 

disruption - they all hear planes lying over them and start to get a bit worried. 

recognition of disruption - they all start to realise something is wrong and see loads of people running and screaming. dave gets bombed and dies while kelly runs away.

attempt to solve - alex stays to fight people who are trying to hurt people and then runs away to find kelly. 

new equilibrium - alex and kelly find each other. years later everything is back to normal and kelly and  alex are in love. 

Characters called Alex, Kelly and Dave are together chilling outside in Ukraine and hear 
planes then everything goes down hill...

The hero - Alex, kelly and daves friend.
The villain - Russia 
The donor - The people running a screaming because it warns them
The helper - Alex, kelly and daves friend
The princess - Kelly, daves girlfriend
The dispatcher - Alex sends himself on a mission
The princess father - Alex
The false hero - Dave, kellys boyfriend but then he dies. 

Monday 25th April 2022

L/O: to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie. 

Visual Story telling

"i'm hungry" - 


"i've lost the cat" 


Monday 9th May 2022

L/O: to explore how a film is made and the various industry roles. 


Scene heading - set in Ukraine

Action - Alex stays to fight people from Russia and tells Kelly to leave him and run

Alex - "Kelly run"
Kelly - "No, i cant leave you" 
Alex - "Yes u can, u need to go NOW!"
Kelly - "Promise me you'll come and find me"
Alex - "KELLY GO"
Kelly - "PROMISE ME" 
Alex - "I promise, now go!"

Big 6
1. Universal
2. Warner brothers
3. Walt Disney
4. Fox
5. Paramount 
6. Sony

Film industry jobs
1. Actor
2.  Illustrator 
3. Director
4. Editor
5. Sound editor 
6. Cameraman 

Foley artist -  devise and record the everyday sounds heard in films, television shows, and video games.  A Foley Artist can make approximately $400-450 per day on a union project.

ADR mixer - recording engineers working in and around the film industry who specialise in re-recording dialogue in a studio setting, as well as recording the voiceover for animated films and television shows, documentaries, and video games.

Graphic artist - a professional within the graphic design and graphic arts industry who assembles together images, typography, or motion graphics to create a piece of design. A graphic designer creates the graphics primarily for published, printed, or electronic media, such as brochures and advertising.

Pre - production 
the stage of a film, television or commercial production that takes place before filming begins.

- the actual filming of the video. The video production company you’re working with bring their crew, equipment, talent (actors) and all necessary props out to the location and capture all the footage necessary.

Post production
- is part of the process of filmmaking, video production, audio production, and photography. Post-production includes all stages of production occurring after shooting or recording individual program segments

Film distribution 
- Adverts will help with marketing
- Release poster
- Release teaser
- Character sneak peak
- Release trailer
- Release movie
- Behind the scenes 
- Deleted scenes 

An exhibition, in the most general sense, is an organised presentation and display of a selection of items. In practice, exhibitions usually occur within a cultural or educational setting such as a museum, art gallery, park, library, exhibition hall, or World's fairs.

Monday 23rd May 2022

L/O: to develop an effective film marketing strategy. 

Movie Marketing

- Film posters are often displayed inside and on the outside of movie theaters, and elsewhere on the street or in shops.

- People put film posters places where most people where most people will see them. 

- On a film poster you will see a title, main image, actor names, release date

The poster suggests that it is from the disaster movie genre by including bald writing, a title that suggests a disaster might happen, the pictures also suggest injury and cars upside down which also suggests disaster

 Monday 27th June 2022





  1. 4/1/22- Some great photography here and good evaluating. T: explore more styles.


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