Music Magazines

Monday 20th March 2023

L/O: to explore the magazine industry ownership, regulation and revenue. 

Music Magazines
- Masthead
- Bar code
- Main image
- Selling line

Conglomerate - a company that owns numerous companies involved in mass media enterprises. 

Globalised - the worldwide integration of media through the cross cultural exchange of ideas. 

Diversify - where a media company moves from producing one type of product to creating different media forms. 

Regulation - a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority. 

Revenue - complete amount of money that is generated during a specific time period. 

Circulation - a count of how many copies of a particular publication are distributed. 

Bauer Media

- Operates worldwide and owns more than 600 magazines. 

- UK edition of Grazia was launched in 2005. 

- Offering online in order to reduce the risk of only operating in one media form. 

- Bauer operated over 150 media companies. 

- Bauer media group is a diversified media conglomerate because it operates all over the world, it is represented in 17 countries. 


- IPSO and LAD

- Los Angeles Dodgers


- 'Best Of' lists, Business directories, Calendars, Jobs boards and Obituaries. 

- I think because of the following rise of online publications and the Covid 19 pandemic. 

- They have shrunk by ore than 20% in the past five years because of it. 


- Mojo magazine is owned by Bauer.

- IPSO and Impress regulates mojo magazine. 

- Britain as an imperial power laid by the basis for an early form of globalised of economy and politics, and to some extent, culture. 

- Digital Advertising and Publishing Advertisements    

Who publishes...

- Whats on TV = IPC connect and Time Inc. 

- Radio times = Immediate Media Company.

- TV choice = H. Bauer Publishing. 

- Take a break = Bauer Media Group. 

- Good Housekeeping = Hearst Communications. 

- Glamour = Conde Nast.

- Inside Soap - Nat mags and Hearst Communications. 

Monday 17th April 2023

L/O: to identify and explain different music genres. 

Music Genres

- Rock
- Country
- Hip Hop
- Jazz
- Punk rock
- Classical
- Heavy metal
- Classic rock
- Reggae 
- Pop


- Normally wear black or dark colours, leather jackets, tight jeans, t shirts with a band logo. 

- Rock songs are normally about love or life problems. 

- Rock performances are usually energetic. 


- Normally wear lots of makeup, dyed hair, bright colours, bold prints.

- Pop songs are normally about love and relationships.

- Pop performances are normally quiet singing to loud. 


- Men usually wear black tie and elegant evening gowns for women.

- Classical music refers to the art music of the Western world. 

- They typically sound richer and fuller with more vibrato and crisp diction. 

What is the target audience for pop?

- Younger generation / 16 to 25. 
- BBC 1 was launched as a pop music station, initially on a part time basis.
- Bi - annually magazines feature pop music. 

Pop artists

Pop artists usually sing about love and romantic relationships and focus on simple themes. 
They usually wear bright colours such as pink, blue and purple. Sometimes black or white. 
Abstract patterns and lots of makeup.

Monday 15th May 2023

L/O: to explore the terminology and genres of popular music magazines.

Music Magazines

1. Rock because of the fonts, dark colours, props, the main image is in black and white, outfits, leather jackets, big boots, look like they are shouting, the line that says 'the next generation of heavy', red represents violence. 

2. Rap because of the colour, bald fonts, cap, props / watch, the line that says 'cool, crazy'. 

3. Pop because of the colour scheme, floral dress, lots of makeup, blue, yellow and pink with floral, 'new queen of pop' line on the front cover is shown. 

Typography - the style and appearance of printed matter.

Layout - the way in which the parts of something are arranged or laid out.

Lexis - the total stock of words in a language.

Colour palette - the full range of colours that can be displayed.

Mise - en - scene - the arrangement of the scenery, props, makeup etc. on the stage of a theatrical production or on the set of a film.

In the rock magazine cover typography is used, on the masthead is in bald writing (sans serif) whereas on the main cover line the font has changed to a red font to make it seem like there is blood dripping down the magazine cover. The colour palette of the rock magazine is all very dark, dark red, implies blood and all of the black could represent danger. Mise - en - scene, such as props are used white they are all shouting, guitars are held up to the sky as well as pianos. The microphone is used to shout in and the band all have pale white faces, makeup could be used to make it look this way. Lexis is used to show rock by the banner saying 'new noise explosive power trip, the new generation of heavy. 

Monday 5th June 2023

L/O: to identify target audiences for a variety of music magazine genres and link to genre codes.

Pop magazine covers:

In the pop magazine covers the masthead is in bold writing (sans serif) whereas on the main cover line the font has changed to less bald and loud for the readers of the magazine cover. The colour palette of the pop magazine is all really bright and multiple colours, this implies a feminine stereotype. The close up and mid shot on the celebrities make it clear on who they are. Mise - en - scene, such as the outfits and background e.g. are again very bright and colourful with multiple colours. The layout is different but very similar because of the masthead and where its placed. Lexis is used to show pop by the banner saying about crushes and relationships, again very feminine. 

Rock magazine covers:

In the rock magazine cover typography is used, on the masthead is in bald writing (sans serif) whereas on the main cover line the font has changed to a red font to make it seem like there is blood dripping down the magazine cover. The colour palette of the rock magazine is all very dark, dark red, implies blood and all of the black could represent danger. Mise - en - scene, such as props are used white they are all shouting, guitars are held up to the sky as well as pianos. The microphone is used to shout in and the band all have pale white faces, makeup could be used to make it look this way. Lexis is used to show rock by the banner saying 'new noise explosive power trip, the new generation of heavy. 

Rap / HipHop magazine covers:

In the rap / hiphop magazine cover typography is used, on the masthead because of the big bold writing (sans serif) whereas on the main cover line is less bald but still capitals. The colour palette on the rap / hiphop magazine is very much one or two colours. Either red and black or white with an additional colour. Mise - en - scene, such as props, outfits e.g. are dark colours, for example, the top left magazine cover has a dark mysterious red light shining on the celebrity. Lexis is used to show rock / hiphop by the banner quoting 'he's back' this implies that they are taking informal language

Genre and target audience

- Font
- Image
- Main cover line
- Masthead
- Pull quote
- Colour palette

- Age
- Interests
- Gender
- Ethnicity


Demographics - age, gender, race, location, employment.

Psychographics - personality, values, attitudes, interests, lifestyle. 

The Kerrang cover has the target audience of 41% female, 59% male, between this 69.5% are aged 15 - 24. The cover suggests that it is for people that love gigs, festivals, the cinema and gaming. We can see this because of the main cover line quoting ''anger is a gift, fight the power'' and the main image of someone shouting while posing there hand into a tight fist, this suggests that the man on the cover has a lot of anger and is shouting while the picture is taken. The cover also implies that life is for the living and that the magazine is trying to reach an audience who wants to live life loud. The Kerrang music style is about different cultures, reaching audiences of different ethnicity's. 

Monday 19th June 2023

- Colour palette, sophisticated
- Props represent wealthy
- Costume represents classic 
- Natural makeup
Mojo audience

L/O: to explore and define the magazines target audience. 

Genre - classic, modern rock, country, reggae and electronic, mostly rock.

Publisher - Bauer media and Ascential.

Target audience - 30 to 45 plus.

Circulation - 

Brand - Bauer media

- Luxury brands have been most successful. 

- High quality photography, and sophisticated media language using high quality glossy paper.  

- Mojo is in between because is has some aspects of the quality monthly but is only semi-glossy and uses lighter weight paper. 

- Mojo covers established and current musicians.

- A definitive cover feature on an iconic act; a CD and famous reviews section.

- Audience of extremely passionate music consumers.  

Middle class - education, professional, university education. 

Working class - less money, skilled or non skilled job.

Weekly - more working class

Monthly -  middle class

Popular weekly and monthly - female 

Niche audience - a very specific target audience, as opposed to a mass audience

The reader accesses music by Spotify, youtube or amazon music, collects CDs. 

His hobbies and interests are music.

High disposable income job.

Personality, loves music.

Relationship to music, has soundtracked every major event in his life.

Why he likes mojo, range of different music he loves. 

- Information about Kate Bush
- Information about different artists
- Entertainment because you get one thing free
- Personal identity, could be like Kate Bush

Monday 3rd July 2023

L/O: to review and reflect on the EOY exam and set personal targets.

Film and trailers - BBFC
Tv and radio - OFCOM
Advertising - ASA
Magazines and newspapers - IPO and IMPRESS
Video games - Video standards council


1. Identify the regulator of radio in the UK.

2. Explain one way in which music videos use media language to differ from each other. Refer to one example of contrasting media language in two music videos you have studied to support your answer. 
- Videos may use linear narratives telling the story of the song or performance montages to draw attention to the song or the performers. Videos may use contrasting settings and associated lighting, location or studio or in performance, urban or rural, exotic or everyday, to match the style of music and the musician's image. Videos may use contrasting camerawork and editing to create a tone to match the song and the musician. Videos may use only the music track as soundtrack or may add diegetic elements to help create a self contained fictional world. Any other valid contrasting media language. 
- One way in which music videos use media language to differ from each other is that in Teenage Dirtbag it is based in an american highschool and all have smart casual clothes on, whereas in Sk8er Boi, they're all in a poor place, singing in the middle of the road and act rebelliously. 

3. Explain how and why producers of radio programmes target different audiences. Refer to Radio 1 Live Lounge to support your answer. 
- Radio 1 live lounge have live music, support upcoming bands in the UK, have 15 to 29 year olds who listen to it the most, follow the remit and have PSB Tv license. This shows they're different because of the music types, pop genre, mix of genre, mix of age and competitions. But this also shows that radio 1 live lounge doesn't have a wider range of advertisers to earn money, mass audience or use a local audience to attract local listeners. This proves that all radio programmes target different audiences.  

4. Identify the organisation that age rates films in the UK.

5. Explain two reasons why a film company would release a video game linked to a film.
- Full marks.
- To extend the marketing of the film, that way not only will the film get views but it will become more and more popular due to the release of a video game. Also, includes a bigger better profit, more money. 

6. Explain two uses and gratifications of films using Bulmer and Katz's theory (U + G). Refer to the lego movie to support your answer.  
- Audiences like media products because of one or more of these:
P - Personal identity = recognising themselves in the characters. 
I - Information = video game is where you learn more about the characters. 
E - Entertainment = interesting, exciting, action packed, adventure.
S - Social interaction = talk to friends, lego sets, video game, chat.  

Monday 11th September 2023

Do now:
- It shows that the target audience is a mix of both males and females because of the main image and cover lines. the main image attracts both genders because females might find him attractive and the males could idolise him. The colour palette is gender neutral.    

- We can tell that the target audience are educated and cultured from the media language cover used by the main image, it shows she is highly educated because she is holding a violin, it suggests she is posh and has a musical education which is fairly expensive. The sophisticated language is linked to music. 

MOJO uses and gratification 
L/O: to explore the appeal of Mojo magazine to it's target audience. 

Active audience - reading a magazine is active because you have to engage to turn the page and use your brain to read it, another thing is that you would need to pick which magazine you would want to read and pick which bits to skip, read or reread. 

Uses and gratifications 

P - personal identity
- information
- entertainment 
S - social interaction 

- The target audience might get a sense of rebellious identity from this magazine and that she doesn't support religion because she has a cross hanging that she is licking with her tongue. Personal identity is showing that she went from street punk to op majesty. 

- The contents page provides more information, it talks about hot news, the regulars on mojo, the mojo filter, albums, how to buy, books, the months contributors, lots of images, live music, whats going on and gives you lots of extra information on things. 

- The entertainment on this is full, it has something free which we can see on the top left, it could offer an escape from every day life into a different world of stars, celebrity and music. The 'untold' story is includes causes entertainment, it could mean gossip, new things that will make people get included. 

- This is social interaction because if it shows about live music, concerts and things like that but you don't actually go to them you could interact with buying the magazine every month to read about the live music / converts. It talks about albums so it could be encouraging you to purchase or listen to these albums to keep up with the monthly magazines. 

Monday 18th September 2023

Do now:


- Target audience could be males because of the main image, it says about how songs saved a males life, identity shows the music magazine could be about rock music. Specific music tastes (rock). Information about Dave Grohl and Elvis. Entertainment includes a free CD on every MOJO magazine. Social interaction because people can discuss things about the free CD. Interesting cover line, "reading 92". 

Music industry. Q1 and Q2

L/O: to understand exam style questions and practice exam technique. 

1. ofcom
2. bbc
3. radio or tv for the benefit of the public
4. convergence 
5. diversification 
6. conglomerate 

Question 2 

- The music radio stations can meet the requirements of public service broadcasting because they educate, entertain and inform on the Radio 1 Live Lounge. They educate by talking about helpful education places because they know some of their target audience are still in some sort of education , they also provide support for those that struggle at times of GCSE'S / Exams. They entertain by providing live interviews of new upcoming UK artists (15-29 year olds) and help promote the newer music. Lastly, they inform by giving out information such as news, things about music artists, things live and sociable events. This is all part of radio 1 PSB remit. 

Music Videos

- popular girl
- school life
- jocks 
- american school
- teenagers
- prom / dance
- geeky 

- rebellious
- teenagers
- punk
- skater look
- indie
- romance 

- Music videos create representations that are different from one another because of the settings. For example the Teenage dirtbag music video is set in an american highschool whereas the Sk8er Boi music video is set in a vast city. Teenage dirtbag creates the impression of different popularity and romance whereas Sk8er boi is more rebellious, punk rock and typical teenage stereotypes.  

Monday 25th September 2023

1. OfCom
2. BBC
3. Radio and tv for the benefit of the public 
4. Convergence
5. Diversification
6. Conglomerate 

P - personal identity
- information
- entertainment 
S - social interaction 

Magazine question 2 

- Two ways magazines attract their audiences is that for example, every MOJO magazine includes a free CD. This attracts an audience because it gives them entertainment for free and also causes social interaction because you could talk about the CD to your friends. Another way is the main image on a magazine, if the main image is of someone famous and well known it will make people want to buy it and automatically be interested in it. 3 / 4 MARKS (explain second point a bit better) 

Music Industry: Q3

L/O: to explore exam style questions and practice exam techniques. 

Radio question 3

- The BBC has to provide a wider range of content than commercial radio, for example, BBC Radio 1 live lounge is a public service broadcaster which means it has to benefit the public, meaning it has to meet the remit. For them to meet the remit they have to provide a platform for live music, support new emerging artists, inform, educate, entertain and have the target audience for 15 - 29 year olds. They meet this buy attracting the younger audience, for example they have young, dynamic presenters who use informal speech, this is seen when in an interview the word ''sick'' is used to describe the performances, other slang words like ''big up'' and 'proper good'' were also used. Another way BBC live lounge meet the remit is through the support of new emerging artists, they play a mixture of mainstream and new artists, we see this when Holly Humberstone and Stormzy get introduced in the interviews. Lastly, they provide a mixture of music and speech by interviewing guests in between songs, we see this when Holly talks about moving to London, her everyday life, diaries and her sister. Therefore...   

Monday 2nd October 2023

Do Now

Media language - Mise en scene, camerawork, sound, editing, text, layout, font. 

Industry - Business, media businesses. 

Audience - The people who see and read the media, target audience. 

Representation - Stereotypes, how something is presented to the audience. 

Context - what is going on at the time. 

Teenage Dirtbag
- American Highschool
- Popular girl, nice clothing, close up shows her walking in slow mo, emphasises her importance. 
- Loser, his hat isn't very nice, shot reverse shot, pushed through corridors, people holding 'L' up. 
- Jock, close up of him smiling, costume shows cool, popular, dating the popular girl, everyone moves.  

Sk8er Boi
- Female lead is rebellious, illegal gig, on top of a car in the middle of the road, mise en scene, low angled shot suggests she's respected for doing that.
- Teens are reckless, piercings, skater clothe, bmx's, graffiti, riding on roofs, driving fast, fast pace camerawork, handheld camera, realism. 

Music Videos question 3

 Music videos create representations that are different from one another. In the music video 'Teenage Dirtbag' the camera work is very slow and still, for example, near the start we see the american highschool loser sat by himself on a table eating and we are introduced to a sign above him with 'loser' written on it by slowly expanding out to a long shot, we then see the camera move to the popular group of the school and shown a still close up of the jock smiling. Later on in the music video, we are shown everyone walking through the corridor and show a still medium close up of the loser being pushed over onto the floor. The use of this slow camera work lets up keep up with what is going on and getting the idea of the representations of the music video. 

Whereas, in the 'Sk8er Boi' music video the camera work is very fast and shaky representing rebelliousness. For example, from the vey start we can tell it is not still and that the camera is hand held, from this we get the idea that it's reckless. we see more of this type of camera work when the skater teenagers are graffitiing the walls of abandoned buildings and riding on the roof of old building in NYC. near the end of the music video we are shown the female lead on top of a car performing an illegal gig in the middle of the street, we are shown the camera being hand held and the person with the camera holding it close to the female lead while jumping around to the music. We are then shown an above shot of her smashing the car and the police in a helicopter trying to get them to stop the illegal gig. 

Another way music videos create representations that are different from one another is... 

Monday 9th October 2023

Mise en scene - design, arrangement, props, makeup setting, costume. 

Editing - making improvements on something, how shots are placed together.

Camera work - the way something has been filmed, camera shots, angles and movement used. 

Sound - the things you can hear, non diegetic, diegetic, music and ambient sound. 

Narrative - something that is told or written / the background / place of somewhere or something, linear story, performance story non linear narrative. 

Non diegetic sound - audience ears only.
Diegetic sound - anything the characters can hear. 
Ambient sound - background noise. 

L/O: to explore the exam style questions and practice exam techniques for Q4 focusing on media language and representation. 

Question 4 

Media Language:
- older 
- tradition
- classic artist
- seriousness 

 close up
- facial expressions 
- reveal emotions 

text - lexis
- 'arise'  'dark knight'  'surviving'  'saving his soul' alliteration
- depressed element 
- troubled past
- questioning his path

- The representations in the mojo magazine cover are of a depressed individual with a troubled past who is questioning his path. We see this by the lexis, the cover lines; 'arise' which has connotations of evil suggesting he has had a troubled past. 'Dark Knight' represents surviving but also a depressed element. The cover line 'saving his soul' is an alliteration which is questioning his path as stated in the beginning on my answer. We also see these type of representations in the media language such as the colour, the black and white has meaning of seriousness, older age, tradition and that he is maybe a classic artist. Lastly, the main image is a close up, used to show his facial expressions clearer and helps reveal his emotions to the audience. Therefor, the representations of the mojo magazine cover are of a depressed individual with a troubled past who is questioning his path. 

Q4 part 2:
- The representation of gender (male) is clear in the extract from mojo magazine through the use of media language by the main image, it is a close up to help present his facial expressions and reveal his emotions, through this we can tell he is serious, unhappy and maybe sorry. The colour connotations of black and white could suggest death, depressed feelings and uneasy feels. Through the use of lexis the cover line 'there are a lot of grievers out there' and the free CD name 'murder ballads' suggest that he is maybe grieving for the loss of somebody but also tells us that he is old in age and maybe caught up in murder. Therefore, the representation of gender is established as uneasy and serious.  

Monday 30th October 2023

L/O: to explore the exam style questions and practice exam techniques for Q5 focusing on media language and representation. 

Do Now:
Shot type - How close the camera is to the subject.
Typeface - The visual design that you can see and the font. 
Colour palette - A combination of colours that you chose. 
Lexis - The words used. 
Masthead - The main title on a cover of something. 

House style - A company's preferred manner of presentation and layout of written material. 
Diversification - Having or showing good judgement. 
'Babyboomer' generation - A person born in the years following the second world war, high BR. 
Audience address - How the text speaks to the audience and involves, influences them. 
Discerning - Having or showing good judgement. 

Media Language:
Codes and conventions - Camerawork, editing, audio and lighting. 
Genre codes and conventions - Typical characteristics and representations. 
Intertextuality - The relationship between texts. 
Connotations - Meaning of words, breaking something down to understand, ideas. 
Layout - The way something is arranged or laid out. 
Typography - the style and appearance of printed matter. 
Images - Photos, diagrams. 
Lexis - Words that are used in the cover lines. 
Colour palette - Colours that are used throughout the cover. 
How the media language portrays reality. 

Muted: Toned down and subtle.         
Saturated: Bright. 


1. The layout is cluttered. 
2. The layout is important because it either draws people in or draws people out. 
3. The colour palette is saturated. 
4. The choice of colour is important because it should be something that stands out to people. 

1. The layout is ordered. 
2. The layout could suggest what type of magazine it is, in this case more serious and informational. 
3. The colour palette is muted. 
4. The choice of colour suggests what people it wants it to attract. 

1. The text is mainly sans serif. 
2. Connotes how bold they want it to be.
3. The main cover line is sans serif and white. 
4. Connotes the colour palette is boring. 

1. The text is mainly serif. 
2. Connotes the type of magazine it is. 
3. The main cover line has a different colour palette so it is bold and easy to see, stands out. 
4. Suggests it's important because of the chosen colour palette.

1. The main image is a long shot. 
2. It shows their outfits, height and represents them as maybe important. 
3. The text used informal register. 
4. Connotes that it is more for younger people not old people. 

1. The main image is a close up.
2. Showing wealth because of all the gold jewellery on show and his white suit. 
3. Text uses informal register, (badass) quoted, but also formal register. 
4. Connotes it's for many people and a mix of different things. 


Monday 6th November 2023

L/O: to explore the exam style questions and practice exam techniques for Q5 focusing on media language and representation. 

Babyboomer generation - a person born in the years following the second world war, high birth rate.
Diversification - the process of varying products.
Audience address - how the text speaks, involves and influences the audience. 
Discerning - having or showing good judgement. 
House style - a company's preferred manner of presentation and layout of written material. 

Context that can be addressed: 
- Changes in gender.
- Changes in attitudes to sexuality.
- Changes in multiculturalism.
- Changes in celebrity culture.
- Changes in consumerism evident in the texts that you are studying.

Shot type - medium long shot.
Star vehicle - David bowie.
Colour palette - Vibrant, pink, blue, purple, white, pastel, feminine colours, saturated. 
Bands mentioned - The Byrds, The Beatles + 7 more artists, bands. 
Masthead style - Upper case, sans serif, shadowed, bold.
Main cover line style - Upper case, sans serif, no shadow, bold, different colours. 
Minor cover line style - Black and white common denominator, uppercase, sans serif, bold. 
Puff - Black and white on pink, serif, uppercase.
USP (freebies) - Free CD, white on pink, same as the puff. 
Placement of text - Layout and text placement fits genre codes and conventions. 

The use of the saturated colours such as; pink, blue, purple and white on the front cover of the MOJO magazine connotes that David Bowie (on the main image) is a bit feminine. This fits in with the society in our world today because everybody has learnt to be more accepting of everyones sexuality's. The colour palette has connotations of celebrations and shows he is not scared to show who he is and that he is powerful, which could have an influence on the audience of the magazine. 

In contrast, the Wire magazine cover, uses a very different colour palette, unlike the other cover the colour palette is the opposite to saturated, it is muted, toned down and subtle. This connotes that they don't want to attract younger people, they want to attract the older, mature, sophisticated age groups.  The cover doesn't really follow the codes and conventions of MOJO magazine due to the layout. It is very minimalistic, ordered and there is not much of it, whereas the other cover was busy, crammed and covered nearly everywhere. In conclusion, The wire music magazine cover is very different to the MOJO music magazine cover. 

Monday 13th November 2023

L/O: to research the case study. Annotate in detail the examples from the case study. 

1. The BBC
2. TV license 
3. OfCom
4. Public service broadcasting, for the benefit of the public 
5. Commercial, make money off adverts, PSB. 

Songs: original and cover:
- Dive, Olivia's song. 
- Beyonce's cuff it cover. Tells us that she is talented and attracts a wider audience via Beyonce. 

Guest info:
- Olivia Dean
- 24th October for live lounge. 
- Worked with Rudimental before, her first solo number on the live lounge. 

Quotes from the show to remember:
- 'Man' 
- 'Not my first rodeo collab'.
- I mean like' presenters keep it informal. 

Appeal to target audience:
- She's 24 years old.
- Covers a well known artist, Beyonce. 
- Feels like a couple friends chatting together in language for the age range. 
- Via the chat and younger artists and presenters. 
- Keep it informal and fun. 

Inform, educate and entertain:
- Standing ovation for her performance, entertaining through live music, live band with her. 

Innovative and cutting edge new UK music:
- New music for Jungle in between, UK band.

Who does it appeal to?
- 15 - 29 year olds.
- Younger people. 

How does it appeal?
- Young artists.
- New upcoming young artists.
- Through the slang, informal language in interviews.
- Fun chat.

How is commercial radio different?
- Funded by adverts.
- Only care about money. 

Who are their audience?
- Mostly Americans and attracts any ages. 
- Mass audience.

How do they appeal to the audience?
- Different music. 

Olivia Dean met the remit because she was entertaining, in the age range, from the UK, got an interview. She is a new upcoming artist, sang her own song called dive, sang a song by Beyonce and had good, fun, informal chat. 

Monday 20th November 2023

L/O: to explore the exam style question for music magazine and music video.

Genre codes - the type e.g magazines, music videos, radio. Signs e.g masthead, layout.

Intertextuality - a reference to another media text, e.g batman. 

Typography - types of fonts, size, style e.g serif and sans serif. 

Connotations - the meaning of something.

Lexis - the words used. 

Contextual issues that might be reflected in magazines today - more gender equality, more of an multicultural society, technology focus, internet, celebrity. 

Question 5, image 1

- Shakira
- Female
- Young
- Revealing clothing
- Direct audience adress in main image
- Mid shot

- Yellow
- Saturated
- Warm
- Golden, wealthy and respected 

- Sans serif, modern and clean
- Lowercase, colloquial, relaxed and informal

- Simplified, relaxed, informal
- Suggests she is well put together 

Question 5, image 2

- The Beatles
- 4 males
- Young
- Covered up 
- Mid shot
- No direct address to the audience 
- Performance shot
- Lack of sexualisation of men due to clothing 

- Saturated
- Bright
- Reflects the nature of the 1960s 

- Sans serif. similar, white, clean, modern
- Uppercase, connotations of shouting
- Script shows a sophisticated interest in music  

- Cluttered layout
- Lots of information
- Double amount of cover lines than image 1

Media language is used differently in the two magazine covers because of the layout and artists mentioned. Cover one is a mid shot of Shakira who is a female wearing revealing clothes which connotes sexualisation, the masthead is in lowercase sans serif suggesting modern, clean, colloquial, relaxed and informal. The cover is very minimalistic and simplified which suggests she is well put together and neat. The colour palette is yellow, warm, saturated which could mean she is respected and wealthy. Whereas cover two is a mid shot of The Beatles who are all males wearing clothes that cover them up, not revealing anything, therefore has a lack of sexualisation. The masthead is similar as its sans serif, white, clean and modern but differently, it has uppercase that gives the impression of shouting and baldness. The layout is very cluttered, has lots of information and double the amount of cover lines than image 1.  The colour palette is filled with multiple different colours, bright and saturated. In conclusion, media language is used differently in the two magazine covers because of the layout and artists mentioned. 

Music Video

Representation in teenage dirtbag - American Highschool. Popular group - Jocks, respected, think about mise en scene, shot type, costume, editing. Geeks - not respected, bullied, victims, think about mise en scene, shot type, costume, editing. 

Representation in Sk8er Boi - Rebellious is seen as fun, energetic, teenagers represented, female lead context, equality, respected female in our society now.

Media language in teenage dirtbag - mise en scene, costume, props, setting, facial expression, camera shots, angles, editing, natural, sound, singing, lighting, muted, story narrative. 

Media language in Sk8er Boi - mise en scene, costume, props, setting, facial expression, camera shots, angles, editing, natural, sound, singing, lighting, saturated, performance narrative. 

November PPE 
Monday 22nd January 2024

UK Regulators:
Film - BBFC
Tv and radio - OfCom
Advertising - ASA
Magazines and newspapers - IPSO and impress
Video games - Video standards council

Question 1:
Or diversification. 

Question 2: 
+ Promotion - choosing young presenters with an apparently genuine interest in musical matters and promoting the slot on Youtube and BBC four. 

Question 3:
+ Sk8er Boi's representation of an angry women in a stereotypically urban setting explores the theme / issue of outsiders or alternative culture. Teenage Dirtbags representation of a different young man in a stereotypically high school setting explores the theme / issues of unrequited love or teenage alienation.  

Question 4:
Representation is how someone or something is presented. 
Social group. 
+ The differences in the representation of gender in the contrasting images of Noel Gallagher and Beatrice Rana and / or in the contrasting cover lines about male and female artists. The differences in the representations of age in the contrasting images of Noel Gallagher and Beatrice Rana. the differences in the representation of ethnicity in the contrasting images of Noel Gallagher and Beatrice Rana. 
The difference in the ages are shown through body language, for example in extract 1 Beatrice Rana is sat up right, not slouching and with her hands spread open and chest pushed outwards presenting the idea of young and powerful. Whereas, in extract 2 Noel Gallagher is clearly older, he has his face scrunched up, giving the picture of a wrinkled up face, his back is slouched, he has his arms crossed and a very serious face, this presents the idea of a older, serious person. 

Question 5:
The media language used is very different, which creates different messages. 
Speak about what it connotes. 
+ Mojo's more saturated colour palette conveying the value or energy and excess contrasting with the more subdued palette of the Gramaphone front cover conveying the value of subtlety and sophistication.  


  1. 5/6- Absolutely amazing work, your notes and analysis are thorough and you have linked media language and audience brilliantly, well done! T: 2:Link this into any representations that are created on the front cover.

  2. 18/9- Great work today and brilliant answers for Q2. T: keep practicing applying U&G theory to texts.

  3. 20/11- Great points and these are explored well, T: 4 try to structure your response by comparing each element from each magazine cover, rather than a full analysis of one magazine and then another full analysis of the second.


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